The food decreases acidi

Problems or suffering from gastric acidity in people who do not have today is the same! This issue is now in the midst of people of all ages run-evident. Irregular diet and eating the wrong foods because of problems with them being read. However, if you live in a manner that can be overcome. There are also some special diet contributes to reducing gastric problems. Diets are discussed below:
<img src="" The food decreases acidity" />
The food decreases acidity

Ginger: Ginger is an herbal ingredient in many of us. Half an hour before each food intake plays a small piece of ginger gastric problem will go away.

Long: Long works like gastric problems. Two Long face of cibale juice will help you to remove acidity.

Basil leaves: Thousands of Thoroughbred count basil leaves. This role is very important to get rid of acidity. When you see the basil leaves have gastric acidity is reduced to 5-6. Blend the basil leaves in the water every day playing with the trend of its acidity will be reduced.

Mint leaves: To overcome the problem of gastric wine basil leaves have been used for a long time. Juice of basil leaves or leaves every day playing away acidity and indigestion.
Cumin: A teaspoon of cumin fried Take a little break. A glass powder mixed with water, then drink during each meal. You'll see, will not work like magic.

Coffee: coffee may be released from gastritis and acidity. When will gastritis coffee with a piece of the face until completely melted Place. And get better results. However, it is banned in diabetes patients.

Borahani: yogurt, salt and beat anti-acid etc. are made with ingredients borahani. So it's a very helpful role in digestion. Heavy day after a meal gastric . A glass plays largely problem will go away.

Milk: milk from helps reduce acidity. There are plenty of milk because of the amount of calcium, which helps to reduce stomach acid. A glass night, leaving the milk in the refrigerator in the morning on an empty stomach acidity during the day, avoid playing. However, if no stomach to milk  intolerable Eat a good milk.

Butter: butter made from milk and whey was once very popular in our country. Adding a little pepper powder acts like a tonic to remove acidity.

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